Is Your Young Child's Spinal Curvature All Right?

Health & Medical Blog

You notice that your child's shoulder blades aren't quite even while changing their diaper. Your pediatrician says that it's one of the signs of childhood curvature of the spine, or scoliosis. Since you spotted it early, treatment will likely help your child's spine to grow out straight. Here is what you need to know about this childhood condition and what treatments are available. 

Spinal Growth That Goes Awry

The bones of infants grow quickly and there are rarely any problems. For some unknown reason, with scoliosis, the vertebrae in the spinal column begin to grow in as a wedge shape. This creates a "C" shape in the spine as it collapses to one side. When two different sections of vertebrae form wedges on opposite sides, an "S" curve is formed in the spine. The bones may also twist slightly as they grow, turning the spine in one direction or the other.

In some children, the curvature is barely noticeable and it poses no threat to their health. In other cases, the spinal curve and collapse is severe and can restrict the space for other organs in the body, especially the lungs. This can lead to pulmonary problems and other developmental issues.

Early detection and treatment is critical for a child's spine to develop normally. 

Treatment of Scoliosis

Since your child's bones are growling rapidly, holding the spine in the correct position while the bones develop will result in a straighter spine. Two treatment approaches are used to accomplish this.

Braces and Supports

If your child is able to go with this treatment option, you'll want to talk with a professional, like C D Denison. These devices are worn by your child throughout their early development to keep the spine in a natural position. They can only be taken off to bathe the child. At puberty, the bone growth slows down so the devices can be left off for longer periods of time. There are two types of devices used to treat scoliosis:

Underarm brace - This clam-shell brace is made from a mold of your child's body. Front and back halves are held in place with straps. This device is useful for treating a curvature in the lower and middle spine.

Full torso brace - Also called a Milwaukee brace, this device rests on the hip bones and extends up to the chin. This device is used to treat curvatures in the upper back and neck, where the underarm brace is ineffective.


When the curvature is severe or progressing quickly, your doctor may recommend surgery to prevent further curvature. In this procedure, several of the vertebrae in the spine are fused together. Metals rods are placed on either side of the spine to hold it in place while the bones fuse and the spine continues to develop. Your child may need to wear a brace while the bones fuse completely.


30 December 2015

Help Others Make Health Decisions when They Cannot

One day I was playing a game of basketball with a friend, and the friend I was playing ball with tripped and took a hard fall to the ground. He hit his head hard, but he insisted he was okay and just wanted to go home and take a nap. I knew in my heart that he was not thinking clearly, and I didn't feel right letting him go home. I talked him into letting me take him to the hospital, and after some tests, it was determined he had a bad concussion. The doctors told me that if I had let him go home and sleep, things could have taken a turn for the worse. I created this blog to remind everyone to look out for each other after injuries. Not everyone thinks clearly after a head injury, and just being a good friend could save a life.