Top 5 MRI Myths

Health & Medical Blog

If you're going in for an MRI, you're probably wondering about everything you've heard about MRIs. How do you know what's fact and what's not? Here are five myths about an MRI:

1. An MRI uses damaging radiation.

MRI is short for magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging uses a strong magnet and radio waves to image tissues in the body. While radio waves are a type of radiation, it's non-ionizing. Unlike an x-ray or ct scan, which use ionizing radiation, there is no risk of damage to the body or cells. You will not get cancer from an MRI.

2. Pregnant women can't get an MRI.

An MRI is one of the safest forms of diagnostic imaging for pregnant women after an ultrasound. An x-ray or even a CT scan has the potential to cause harm to the baby, due to the ionizing radiation. An MRI is generally safe and there is no evidence of harm to fetuses. However, your doctor may determine the risk outweighs the benefits of imaging, so follow his or her advice if you're pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant.

3. Anyone who has a tattoo can't get an MRI.

If you have a tattoo made with pigment that contains metals, like iron oxide, you may have an adverse reaction while getting an MRI. This reaction is limited to irritation and slight burning during the scan. This reaction is rare, and there are no permanent burns or serious effects from the MRI. No, your skin won't be ripped off. Also, most modern tattoo ink no longer contains metals.

4. You can't eat or take medication before an MRI.

If your pelvic area or abdomen is being imaged, your doctor may recommend not eating for a few hours before the scan. However, unless your doctor says otherwise, you can stick to your regular eating habits. You can also stick to your medications. Having food or medication in your system will not affect the results.

5. An MRI is scary.

If you're claustrophobic or you have anxiety, inform your doctor before your scheduled MRI scan. He or she can prescribe medicine to keep you calm during the procedure. The noise of the machine may also be disturbing. The machine is not loud, but the knocks and thumps can induce anxiety. The technician can give you ear plugs or play music through headphones. The procedure doesn't have to be scary.

These are five common myths about MRIs. If you have any questions or want more information, contact your doctor today. For more on MRI technology, consider contacting companies like Hudson Valley Imaging.


27 March 2016

Help Others Make Health Decisions when They Cannot

One day I was playing a game of basketball with a friend, and the friend I was playing ball with tripped and took a hard fall to the ground. He hit his head hard, but he insisted he was okay and just wanted to go home and take a nap. I knew in my heart that he was not thinking clearly, and I didn't feel right letting him go home. I talked him into letting me take him to the hospital, and after some tests, it was determined he had a bad concussion. The doctors told me that if I had let him go home and sleep, things could have taken a turn for the worse. I created this blog to remind everyone to look out for each other after injuries. Not everyone thinks clearly after a head injury, and just being a good friend could save a life.