Here's Why Physical Rehab After Endometriosis Surgery Is A Good Idea

Health & Medical Blog

If you have endometriosis and are going to be heading in for surgery to have the excess tissue removed, your road to rehabilitation doesn't stop there. Endometriosis can be painful and cause serious problems for your health, but without assistance during your recovery from the surgery, the same can be said. Here's why you should consider getting short term physical rehabilitation after you've had the surgery.

Abdominal Muscles

When your surgeon removes the excess endometrial tissue in your body, chances are they'll access it through your abdomen. In some cases, this may be a straight incision, or it could be done with miniature instruments and a endoscope. In either case, it requires surgically cutting through your abdomen as well as muscle tissue.

Your abdominal muscles are a big part of how you get around every day. They don't just allow you to bend and sit, but also help to hold up your torso and are activated whenever you twist, lean, or stretch. When you're initially recovering from surgery, these muscles will be extremely sore. However, taking it easy and not using them isn't the quickest path to recovery. Getting help from a physical therapist is the best way to get back on your feet in a hurry. Trying to introduce exercises at home could simply hurt you or open up an incision, so don't try it alone.

Endometrial Tissue

This next part depends on your personal endometriosis condition. Many women develop endometrial tissue all through the abdominal cavity, around the uterus or ovaries, or even in other parts of the body.

When this happens, the surgery takes longer and your doctor may need to create additional incisions in order to access it all. In addition, removing the tissue can leave you with soreness or pain wherever it came from, as endometrial tissue tends to grow around existing tissues. This means your surgeon will need to cut it away, which could leave you with significant difficulties in your back or hips until you recover. A physical therapist can help to determine which parts of your body need to be strengthened and recuperated.

What to Expect

Visiting with a physical therapist is actually an enjoyable part of many people's day. You will meet your physical therapist and discuss your case. Your physical therapist may be given copies of your medical history regarding the surgery to have a further understanding of what you're going through.

From there, the physical therapist will introduce you to gentle, slow maneuvers to help gently stretch and re-strengthen the muscles in your abdomen, back, or anywhere else that needs it. This will ensure that you have fewer muscle cramps and don't open up your surgical site. Depending on your physical needs, these visits could last for a few days or weeks.

Physical therapy for endometrial surgery isn't something that many women think they will need until they've already had the surgery and are in discomfort. By choosing a physical therapist now, you can ensure that everything is ready for you once you're ready to start the rehabilitation process.


16 November 2018

Help Others Make Health Decisions when They Cannot

One day I was playing a game of basketball with a friend, and the friend I was playing ball with tripped and took a hard fall to the ground. He hit his head hard, but he insisted he was okay and just wanted to go home and take a nap. I knew in my heart that he was not thinking clearly, and I didn't feel right letting him go home. I talked him into letting me take him to the hospital, and after some tests, it was determined he had a bad concussion. The doctors told me that if I had let him go home and sleep, things could have taken a turn for the worse. I created this blog to remind everyone to look out for each other after injuries. Not everyone thinks clearly after a head injury, and just being a good friend could save a life.