Emergency "Go Bags" For The Chronically Ill And Their Caregivers

Health & Medical Blog

Do you have a chronic health condition that sometimes erupts into an emergency? Is a loved one suffering from an illness or another medical condition that sometimes has you rushing out the door to the local urgent care facility? It's time to get a "go bag" together. Emergency room and urgent care facilities can get easily overwhelmed, especially when there are extreme temperatures happening (like the middle of summer or winter).

2 July 2019

How Laser Hair Treatment Helps Young Men With Male Pattern Baldness Beat Depression

Health & Medical Blog

Although many young men reach their 20s without any signs of hair loss, others will suffer from premature male pattern baldness. This situation can be very upsetting and even depressing for many young men. Thankfully, laser hair treatment may help. Depression is a Common Side Effect of Hair Loss Movies and television shows often try to make the case that early baldness is funny or a trait that makes a person worth mocking.

7 June 2019

How Can You Tell You Snore When You Live Alone?

Health & Medical Blog

If you live alone, it might seem impossible to determine if you snore. After all, nobody is there to complain that you kept them up all night. Fortunately, some telltale symptoms can alert you to the fact that you snore at night, and this could allow you to actually do something about it. These symptoms are incredibly common in snorers. Restless Nights Some people actively remember waking up throughout the night and struggling to get back to sleep.

11 May 2019

How To Get Ready For A Sleep Study

Health & Medical Blog

A sleep study is done at a sleep center. During a sleep study, you sleep at the clinic, and your sleep is observed by trained sleep technologists. The sleep technologist analyzes your sleep to figure out how to help you get better sleep and to figure out if you suffer from a sleep disorder that could be treated. Before your sleep study, there are specific actions you should take to prepare for your sleep study.

14 March 2019

How to Avoid Injuries While Having Fun on a Scooter


Electric scooters are a great way to get around the city, especially if your own mobility is impaired. However, you'll need to operate the scooter carefully to make sure that you don't injure yourself. Fortunately, most of these injuries can be avoided by following the appropriate safety precautions.  Wear a Helmet Only a small amount of those who ride electric scooters wear a helmet. Because electric scooters are a fun and inexpensive way to get around, it's better to purchase and wear a helmet than it is to rely on other modes of transportation.

29 January 2019

Here's Why Physical Rehab After Endometriosis Surgery Is A Good Idea

Health & Medical Blog

If you have endometriosis and are going to be heading in for surgery to have the excess tissue removed, your road to rehabilitation doesn't stop there. Endometriosis can be painful and cause serious problems for your health, but without assistance during your recovery from the surgery, the same can be said. Here's why you should consider getting short term physical rehabilitation after you've had the surgery. Abdominal Muscles When your surgeon removes the excess endometrial tissue in your body, chances are they'll access it through your abdomen.

16 November 2018

Treatment Options For Fibromyalgia You May Not Have Thought Of

Health & Medical Blog

When you are struggling with the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia, it is understandable that you may find yourself wishing that there was a magic cure to help you overcome your symptoms. While there is no quick and easy solution for fibromyalgia, there are treatments that can help you manage your pain. You may know about the various medications that your doctor might prescribe for this chronic pain condition. However, there are many other possible treatments that you can, and should, consider.

9 November 2018